Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi

An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science

The Annals is a forum for the free exchange of ideas
among scholars working in the field of social sciences


  1. Book reviews, book notes and review articles should be submitted to:
  2. Book reviews should not normally exceed 2,000 words. Footnotes, endnotes, subheadings and references should be avoided. The review should be preceded by the full bibliographical details of the book under review including the name(s) of the book’s author(s), date of publication, title of the book, publisher, place of publication and ISBN code. The name(s) and institutional affiliation of the book review author(s) should appear at the end of the review.
  3. Review articles usually focus on specific themes and/or scholarly debates, review multiple books simultaneously and/or include commentary and analysis. Such articles will be treated as regular paper submissions and should be prepared accordingly. Books covered and essay length should be negotiated with the book review editor, but they should not normally exceed 8,000 words.
  4. Book notes consist of two or three paragraphs describing the book and to what part of our readership the book is likely to be of interest.