Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi

An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science

The Annals is a forum for the free exchange of ideas
among scholars working in the field of social sciences
Volume LVII 1 - 2023

Introduction: Some Thoughts on the History of ‘European’ Liberalism

Matthew D’Auria and Florian Greiner and Federico Trocini,
pp. 153-164
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The essays in this special issue centre around the notion of ‘European’ liberal thought and its relationship with ‘national’ liberal traditions. They explore the trajectory of such a relationship from the nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth, examining how some of its national variations interacted with images of Europe, the ideological ambiguities underlying such views, and the role that intellectual networks played in shaping such a relationship. These articles reveal how liberal thought has been shaped by, and has responded to, various political, social, and cultural challenges that were at once European and national, emphasizing the role of transnational networks in spreading liberal ideas as well as shedding light on the complex interplay between liberalism and nationalism. Key themes include the persistent ambiguities inherent in liberalism, the geo-cultural dimensions of liberal ideas, and the evolving relationship between freedom and democracy. The aim is to offer fresh perspectives on a historically significant yet continually contested ideology, emphasizing the enduring relevance and complexity of liberalism in European history.